Year 1
PE Days
In Year 1, we have PE on Monday afternoons and Wednesday mornings. Children are expected to wear full uniform to participate in PE lessons. For those of our children who wear earrings, we politely ask that they are removed for the duration of the sessions.
Homework Expectations
Homework expectation for year one are as follows:
- Spend 5 minutes a day for 5 days per week (25 minutes per week) practising calculation skills using Numbots.
- Read for 15 minutes at least three times a week, using a book allocated by Year 1 staff. Please ensure that you sign your child's reading record to indicate to staff they have read. They do not need to read the full book. Remember to ask them questions as the finish pages to assess their understanding.
- Complete two, three-minute garage sessions per day, 5 days a week, on Numbots.
- Spellings will be send out and tested each following Monday.
Year Group Messages
Over the course of the children's time in Year 1, they will be adapting to the transition from EYFS and settling into learning through the National Curriculum. They will also be preparing for their Phonics Screening Test, which they will take in June. This is designed to check that children have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate level and decide who is in need of additional support. To provide your child with further learning opportunities to support their phonics development at home, you can ensure that they are regularly reading their school books and accessing their reading egg accounts. If you would like any further information regarding this, or you have any other queries/concerns, then please do not hesitate to contact the school office to arrange a conversation or meeting with Miss Reid.
Year 1 Team
Year 1 Curriculum Overview