Religious Education
Acts 20:35
"In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
The curriculum leader for RE is Miss E.Lee
The RE curriculum lies at the heart of our learning at St. Anne’s - it is the “core of the core curriculum’ (Pope St John Paul II). It promotes wonder, amazement and excitement in children’s consideration of faith and God’s creation. We encourage religious literacy so that our children may use faith to question the world around them and reflect on their own personal spirituality. Staff and peers are there to guide children on every step of their faith journey. Through RE, children at St Anne’s are reminded that they are special, worthwhile and loved in the eyes of God and our Catholic community. Children are also instilled with a sense of reverence and respect, not only by experiencing Catholic life but learning about different faiths. At St Anne's we are aware of the opportunity for cross-curricular links with RE themes and will endeavour to promote an integrated view of RE within the curriculum. Wherever possible the spiritual life of the children will be enriched by art, written work, literature and worship. The RE themes are portrayed throughout the school during class and whole-school liturgies and Masses (see Worship Policy).
Through the parish priest the children and their families are encouraged to appreciate, understand and participate in the liturgical cycle and the sacramental life of the church.