John 1:3
All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.
The subject leader for Computing is Mr Dunn
At St Anne's Roman Catholic Primary School, our intent for the Computing curriculum is to equip all pupils with the essential skills, knowledge, and understanding to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital world while fostering a strong moral framework rooted in our Catholic values. We aim to:
- Develop Digital Literacy: To ensure all children are competent and confident users of technology, understanding how to safely navigate the digital landscape and communicate effectively.
- Promote Problem Solving and Critical Thinking: To encourage pupils to think independently and innovate by engaging with a range of digital tools and programming languages.
- Emphasise Collaboration and Communication: To create opportunities for pupils to work collaboratively on projects, nurturing teamwork and respectful engagement in line with our Catholic ethos.
- Instil Ethical Use of Technology: To teach pupils the importance of online safety, respect for others, and the ethical implications of their digital footprints, aligned with the teachings of the Catholic faith.
- Prepare for Future Opportunities: To align our Computing curriculum with the demands of the 21st century, ensuring pupils are prepared for future studies and careers in an increasingly digital economy.
St Anne’s has chosen the Purple Mash Computing scheme to support children’s learning within school. The scheme serves to deepen their understanding of computational concepts and provides opportunities for pupils to apply and extend their understanding and make links in their knowledge and capabilities.