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Year 5

Mr J Tindall 
Class Teacher 


Mrs A Khaloke
Special Support Assistant
Miss J Smith
Special Support Assistant
Miss M Muhammed
Teaching Assistant
Miss R Moorcroft
Teaching Assistant

PE Days

In Year 5, our PE days are on Monday and Tuesday (swimming). Full PE kit is required for children to participate in PE sessions.

Homework expectations

Homework in Year 5 is slightly different this year.

The expectations are:

  • Six minutes per evening on Times Tables Rock Stars during the week.
  • Spellings to be collected on a Monday evening ready for an assessment the following Monday.
  • A minimum of three reads per week for at least 15 minutes.

Year group messages

Over the course of the year, we will have many opportunities to discuss your child's progress towards their end of Key Stage expectations. Should you wish to discuss anything with regards to transition to high school please feel free to contact the school office and I will contact you as soon as possible. Or, I am happy to speak to you before and after school on the yard.