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Inclusion Statement 

'Making Tomorrow A Better Day'

As a Catholic community we value every single member as a unique creation made in the image of God. We work together to help everyone to realise their God-given talents and their part in God's plan. We want to give all our children the aspirations, knowledge and skills to be the best versions of themselves. As an inclusive school, all children are catered for to achieve their individual goals and we are committed to providing quality first teaching across the whole school. We pride ourselves in ensuring the early identification of any additional needs and source the correct support in a timely manner and will work collaboratively with outside agencies. We aim to give every child in our care the respect, love, guidance and voice that they truly deserve. We will make tomorrow a better day for all children. 

For further information on SEND, please contact our SENCO, Miss Margison, on 01254 580462.

You can also access the Local offer by clicking the following link: